Laerskool Welgemoed } Welgemoed Primary School



Other schools, please go to General Shop and select the items required according to your school’s list. If you require products that are not listed in the General Shop, please email your requirements for a quotation.

Reuse Used Stationery

Don’t know what to do with old but still usable stationery?

We tied hands with The Blue Bus Ministries Community in Delft and will gladly deliver used stationery to the underprivileged. Feel free to deliver your used stationery and we will do the rest.

Hierdie is ‘n splinternuwe aanlyn webtuiste

Help ons asseblief deur terugvoering te gee indien jy enige probleme ervaar tydens die gebruik van die webtuiste.

Maak asseblief seker dat die hoeveelhede van elke produk korrek is volgens julle behoeftes (Notas van elke Graad, met die skool se voorgeskrewe hoeveelhede kan bo-aan elke graad se bladsy gevind word).

Neem kennis dat sekere items kleurkeuse en/of inligting verlang voor dit na die trollie gelaai kan word. Hierdie items word nie outomaties bygevoeg indien jy nie ‘n opsie uitgevoer het nie.

This is a brand new online store

Please help us by giving feedback should you find any problems using the online store.

Make sure your order quantities are correct when selecting products (At the top of each page you will find the required quantities per product for each Grade).

Please note, certain products have colour options and/or text options to complete.  These will not automatically be added to your cart before an option is selected.